Sunday 12 May 2013

We judge people for judging people because judging people is wrong

"Oh guys have you heard that guys' music, it sucks so bad!" Why the hell are you listening to his music if you're gonna judge him, you little twat? If you think it's so bad, why don't you go and do something better then? You don't know the guy, he's doing what he loves and the fact is you're just helping him get to the top by saying that. 

You judge people that you don't know and haven't met. You're so desperate for attention yet so you hate on people that already made something of their lives but you're still stuck in gutters. Dirty. Worthless. Miserable.

Props to all the artists that have made through these agonizing times of judgment. No artist has made it to the top without judged. Being judged has motivated them to be better. So many thanks to everyone that has questioned every artist's talent and ability.

When we judge people, it doesn't hurt them but instead hurts us because we are telling them how envious we are of their lives. Haters gonna hate. (This word has been used too much and it pisses me off. It's lost its meaning.) But who the hell cares anymore! You're the deceitful creatures of the human race. Soon you'll fade into the thin air and all you'll be remembered by is for spending your life despising someone you never knew. In that amount of time, you could have made something of your life and just maybe been better than that person you were once desirous of. 

I'm not judgmental of people, at least I try not to be. I have no right to be. It's their life they're living, so I see no reason why I'm putting myself into their business. So you smoke? Great! Do you wear makeup? Cool. Dude, you drink? Drink the hell on then! Are you into metal? Bang on then! You do none of this stuff? Awesome! I really don't give a damn whether you have tattoos or piercings. I don't care whether you have money or not. We all messed up in the past, and I don't bloody care. I'm no one to judge and neither are you. If someone judges you, smile at them and show them your middle finger. There's a reason God gave you one, so why not use it. 

"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know that I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." Bob Marley 

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