Thursday 31 August 2017


this is a poem, I'm writing 
I'm writing because I'm hurt 
i'm hurt because we aren't talking
and it hurts
it hurts because i miss you
but it will hurt more if i don't let you go

Saturday 26 August 2017


i refuse to go back to who i was
to not liking who i was

i deserve life
i deserve more of it

Thursday 17 August 2017


we were never in love. 
and I don't blame you. 
we were mere beginners in our own lives.
still trying to navigate our own dreams. 
the simplest definition being
- we were still kids. 
we didn't know what love was.
but damn I wish we had been.
what a hell of a journey it would've been. 


Tuesday 15 August 2017

forgotten misft travels: letters from fiji to i. r. taylor

it's been an exhilarating yet draining journey 
not for all the wrong reasons but for all the right ones 
because never in my nineteen years on this round sphere did I ever think that I'd finally set for in fiji 
with a group of well enough humans 
who are in the same stage of life as I 
it's been life changing 
and while some of us will return to our lives 
we will return to normality too and in doing so
we will forget naduri
we will forget the community that now considers us family 
we will forget the friends we've made
not because we want to but because like all the great adventures in life 
they disintegrate from our memories  
and that's what will become of fiji 
we will forget 


i won't forget naduri
i really hope I won't 
because I have all these aspirations 
of being on a constant and never ending adventure
of meeting interesting people 
and eating interesting foods 
naduri has made this clear for me 
this is what I want my life to be about 
because there is much more to life than what western society teaches/forces down our throats 


this is my first letter from my travels
it's the first in the series of travelling to phenomenal places 
from which I learnt that I can achieve happiness by not having it all 
where I are taught and encouraged to be in love in life 
instead of yearning for the next big thing


with less than what is expected 
with less than what society expects of us