Wednesday 29 June 2016

The Revolutionary Tears of Father-In-Chief, Barack Obama

Who in a million years would've thought that America would see the day, when a black man became the most powerful person in the world//That regardless of all the hardship black people have endured, Obama's presidency was not a result of affirmative action; despite what his critics say// And that despite all the obstacles he's faced, he has always pushed ahead//Because sometimes a historic moment just sneaks up on you // Letting you know that the old rules no longer apply to this ever-changing world//I cried when Obama was elected//It truly was a moment of "Hope and Change" for not only America but the world, too// Demonstrating that a nation with the most volatile history and present can achieve change//For something different//For someone with a permanent tan, someone vulnerable and caramel// 

In 2008, a black man became ordinary//And in the years throughout his presidency, Obama showed us that being a president is more than just being a political figure// You become a paternal figure as you take on the role 'father of a nation'//We saw this when he wept openly about the tragedy of Sandy Hook// And as he continually did so like in Orlando, when the largest mass shooting in American history // Was a hate crime against gay people // Though we know that Obama, like all black men in America, has struggled to be accepted as "one of them" due to the many differences that separate him and his predecessors// Pay no attention to the critics that protest that Obama couldn't possibly love America, as much as they love America// His tears for every adversity  have been genuine and heartfelt//  Because this was a BLACK man weeping tears over the cruel murders of WHITE  people// Something that the 'superior' race couldn't afford to do while they took us from our homeland in chains// His own people have seemingly decreased in numbers at the hands of the US justice system since he entered office// And he can't // He is not allowed to take sides// So never mind that he was called a traitor when he called for calm in Ferguson// Obama saw his own kids in these 20 innocent children// And he couldn't do anything//

As the president of the United States of America, you are 'supposed' to be the most powerful person in the world//And he wasn't// He still isn't// His tears showed us that// He accepted that he was powerless// Something that the black community can very much relate to// After all, they have always been regarded as something else, "the Criminal, the Athlete"// But it's been very good to have a real human as president// Though, I may not be American, I am glad to have been apart the Age of Obama// I am proud of all that he has accomplished, regardless of the several barriers that he has endured// He is the 'black sheep' among his predecessors// And beyond his title, Obama has revealed that he is just a mere man and a father// His 8 year presidency may not have been what we expected but it's definitely been an exceptional one// My only regret is the insistence of Congress in stymieing him at every turn//I believe that he could've done so much more, had it not been for Congress//

Nevertheless, Obama has presided an extraordinary presidency// One that I believe could not have been accomplished by his white predecessors// And that is pretty extraordinary, for an ordinary black man in America// And though, history has for so many years been swept under the rug// It is essential that we remember that the White House was built by slaves// The Obamas got to be apart of a special of history// One that our black ancestors do not regret because something good has come out of their blood and sweat// And no matter, what family occupies the White House after Jan. 2017// And so forth, the following generations, they will never equal the style, class and elegance of the Obama clan// Even if, critics may claim his presidency to be a failure// We all know the reasons why, at least we can guess// But know this // Barack Obama is not an 'Other' // In many ways than one, he has excelled and exceeded in becoming an 'American' // He's done it with flare and style too // And that is his greatest triumph//

Friday 24 June 2016

Letters To People I Love: A New Normal

We got screwed! 

I don't know what else to say because all my anger was unleashed on Facebook but I guess that we can't do anything now. I'm gonna insert my Facebook posts below because I'm speechless by the UK's decision. 

They FUCKED us up, bad! 

I'm actually gonna hate to see Cameron go! 

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Letters To People I Love: America Was Never Great

I do not have the slightest clue about the extent to how great America once was 
Perhaps because of everything that I have been taught about this 'superpower', the negatives always outweighed the positives 
Though this is what I am certain of:
I am not black and you are not white
This is what the world calls us but we weren't born saying that "I am black, you are white" 
It's just what we have grown accustomed to
I was taught to call myself "black" but the root of the tree has broken eight times in my lifetime
And in that period I have learnt that "America Was Never Great" 
Now my intention is not to ridicule this 'great' nation 
But we are nothing if we choose to be ignorant of the atrocities taking place in the world 
If we fail to see the value of someone else's life just because of their race or sexuality 
We are nothing 
It's even worse when you put the blame on a whole religion just because of one's actions 
And you are less than nothing if you are okay with sending out prayers to the grieving families of the 49 when you damn well know that you have the power to right this wrong 
To elect a dumb b***h, stupid b***h, ignorant b***h as a presidential candidate truly depicts America's fleeting 'greatness' 
How many ghosts must occupy the empty seats at dinner tables, until you get it right?
Taken away by silly and senseless reasons: 
"He was black and angry"
"They were gay" 
"He was a Muslim"
By delaying these gun reforms, you fail to realise that America was built by the BLACK man for the pleasure of the WHITE man 
And that there have been so many LGBT servicemen/women who have laid down their lives for this 'great' nation; yet you still passed the DADT
Merely forgetting how corrupt all religions are, that they are the cause for so many wars 
But you have chosen to scapegoat the one religion that teaches discipline and honour 
Maybe this is why I find this so easy to write and so hard 
I am aware that there must have been a time when America was great, truly great
Because you once were a silenced nation that fought so valiantly for your independence
By those are all faded glories 
Because you don't fight for what's right anymore, you don't fight for moral reasons anymore and you sure as hell are waging wars on the wrong people
We cry with Orlando because we see ourselves in those broken families, those lost souls 
And we were hoping that you would get right this time around because you told us that the loss of the innocent lives at Sandy Hook and America's other tragedies weren't enough 
I know that the title is very flawed because
America was great when they passed and struck down laws for moral reasons 
When they did not turn on a president who is so desperately trying so hard to make a difference but is unable to 
Because Congress values their seats more than they value the lives of their citizens 
Your words are meaningless if your actions don't reflect them 
Know that by prolonging this process, you are only feeding the disease and one day, you will feel its wrath 
Just like so many parents, brothers, sisters and neighbours have 
The first step to solving a problem is knowing that there's one:
'America Was Never Great' because the only way they know how to show their 'greatness' is after a million lives have suffered 
And that is not greatness, but cowardice

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Letters To People I Love: Dear Young British People, About June 23rd

The EU referendum is on the 23rd June. It's a once in a generation opportunity and as if I didn't or you didn't already know that. Here are some statistics that I got off the BBC website: "just over a third of 18-24 year olds intend or are certain to vote, compared to the well over two thirds of the over 75s " - who are irrelevant seeing as this referendum dictates our future because we ARE the future generation. But if we mix the percentage of the 75s with "those under the age of 35, who are roughly as twice to vote to stay in as those aged over 55." 

So do you get it? We are outplanned and outnumbered. While we may be the future of the UK, if we don't VOTE, we are going to get ourselves kicked out of possibly the best thing that's ever happened to the UK. 

I know that I'm just one voice but I'm here. I'm here to convince you that staying in the EU is the best choice! 

I get it. I understand that you're apathetic. I know that reasons why and as a politics student, I have never disliked politics as much as I do now because it's boring and corrupt, regardless of what they tell you. The parties are all the same, they tell us lies just so they can be in power, so either way we are screwed. 

Nonetheless, I do make an effort to vote for the important issues like this one. This referendum has nothing to do with our corrupt political parties. It's to do with the fact that if we, the young people don't vote, we are eternity fucked. It's to do with the issue if we leave, the UK will be vulnerable to lots of shit and the country will just descend into chaos. It's to do with the fact that if we don't vote, then the majority older generation will most likely vote for us to leave.

So why are we having a referendum? Well, I'm we all know that the EU has been one gigantic experiment. One that has worked and provided all 28 countries with great benefits, so were were doing okay. Then David Cameron and his ungrateful party got desperate and promised that if the Tories won the 2015 General Election, there would be a referendum on the UK's position within the EU. Though, if you can recall that the only reason they did is was to attract right wing votes and well, what you do you know, because of David Cameron; we now have a UKIP MP in Parliament and an EU referendum in less than a month. Problem is... WE HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THE EU!

Being a member of the EU may have not always been the best but the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages because we can access other EU countries with little or no hassle, we can study or live abroad - see we are definitely better in the EU. The monthly payment that we have to make is nothing compared to what we receive in return, like the laws that we have for so long taken for granted.

What's the deal with BREXIT? Apart from it sounding a like a failed cereal name, the 'Leave' campaign is complaining about the fee that we have to pay as a member of the EU. However, I think that the fee is minimal. What the 'Leave' campaign is trying to say 'politely' but failing is that the EU has 'too much power' over US! Umm...excuse you...remember the British Empire, when you had 'an excessive amount of power' over more than half of the world who in fact didn't vote or request for it!?! Remember that? Well, this is not the British Empire, we are allowed to have allies especially with all the tragedies and hellish times that the world is facing; it's a good thing having other countries keeping us in check and having our back.

Not to mention that the 'Leave' campaign is scapegoating refugees, just like Donald Trump is scapegoating Muslims in order to win the US presidency or like how the worst dictators that the UK and its ALLIES have defeated scapegoated innocents in order to win power. Now if the 'Leave' campaign wasn't using refugees as to why we should leave the EU, I would be fine with it but they are, so I'm not. Using the migrant crisis that state that as soon as someone becomes apart of the EU, they are live wherever they want - as if, the other 27 EU member countries are more sympathetic than us because they are letting people who are fleeing from the wartorn country stay in theirs; thus giving them permission to move into the UK. Though, didn't you learn? Leaving the EU won't solve immigrant!

And putting aside the fact that out of our 6 million population, there are millions of people who don't care about refugees because they don't think that  it's our bloody concern. Well, do you realise that the majority of the population of the UK are immigrants? And that there are several British nationals living across the EU, so if we leave, they have to come back. Good job, 'Leave' campaign. I can see that you really care about your people.

Have you thought about the UK economy? I don't think so. Since the announcement of the EU referendum, there has been no study, let alone a '5 reason list' to show that economically the UK would be better off leaving the EU. As a member of the EU, our economy has now become so fused to the EU that it would be suicide if we left. Would we need to change the pound to the euro? It would not longer take us decades to officially leave the EU but it would take us twice those decades to untangle ourselves from this economic tragedy. Would we even be allowed to participate in Eurovision? Would we ever be able to win it, again? Not that we were winning before... 

Summary? Dear young people, please VOTE to STAY IN THE EU. We can't let though those sadistic UKIP votes win. I'm begging you! Like Scotland voted to stay apart of the UK in 2014, it's our turn to return the favour because I'm sure that they don't want to leave. A lot of you make think that you don't need to vote, but YOU DO! 
I know that the EU isn't perfect and like so many things in the world right now, it's in dire need of rewiring. But most importantly, I believe that it's in our best interests in we stay because I'm certain that you don't want to look back at this moment and regret it. Vote for yourself. For your fellow young people. For your kids, so that they too can taste the benefits of what it means to be apart of the EU. 

And if we do end up staying, then we can focusing on removing the already crumbling Conservative government from Parliament. But first, lets give this idiotic government actual representation of the country's opinion meaning that we need TWO THIRDS of us to haul our asses down to the voting booth on June 23, so that the result is a true reflection of the UK opinion.

Britain Stronger In Europe