Friday 30 October 2015

Welcome Back, ADELE!

Forgive me the unexplained disappearing act. I'm trying to get my life together and it's been harder than I thought it would be. But I'm here again. 

I should, however, explain to you that due to the recent frantic turn that my life has chosen to take, it will be more difficult to blog but I will try my best. Whilst it may not be regular, I can assure you that it definitely won't be as infrequent as this because I'm truly bewildered that I have gone a week without writing. I have been so fixated on coursework that my half term has been more stressful than relaxing. 

(Enter) Adele. She's BACK! Back at number ONE with an incredible song. Moreover, I thought that a music post was a little overdue, so this is my October favourite as well as being the re-introduction of the ever so amazing Adele. 

Take time to listen to this song. Really listen and vibe it. 

Oh, the most exciting part...if any of you have ever watched 90210. DIXON is the love interest and he is more gorgeous than ever! And as you can probably assume, the world went bonkers for him. Though apart from being crazy about Tristan Wilds, I am BEYOND thrilled for '25' coming in November. 

Adele -Hello

Wednesday 21 October 2015

I Came, I Spoke, I Ranted #BHMUKEdition

Until next time. Hopefully I'll spend more time celebrating the achievements of coloured people than recalling on all the black lives that have been lost. 

This was NOT Dr. King's dream!

It's unfortuante that racial equality in America is still remains a distant dream for the negro.

Saturday 17 October 2015

#BlackGirlsMatter #BHMUKEdition

Throughout this devastating journey that has titled "The NEW Civil Rights Movement", I think some of us forgot that it wasn't just our black men being killed. Black women lost their lives too, but it was saddening that it appeared like their lives weren't important enough for them to make thew news and because of this; their deaths were overshadowed by those of our black men.

Now I don't mean to be disrespectful but us, black women have a lot of fights going on every day in our lives. It's bad enough that we are undermined as a sex but we also have the BLACK woman fight that we seem to be fighting by ourselves. It would be truly amazing if our black men showed up for us in our time of need; just like how we drop everything to be there for them. 

This post is dedicated for all the beautiful black women that have lost their lives at the hands of the police. What happened to Sandra Bland could happen to anyone! I refuse to live a life so ignorant that it's normal for me to say "Killing black people is normal." Whilst it is 'normal' due to the routine like killings in America, I refuse to stay silent. 

Crissle West - "if black women dropped out of the black lives matter movement, wouldn't BE no movement. these niggas need us and treat us like trash." 

Moreover, y'all know that it's true. Otherwise, I wouldn't have put it in. Assata Shakur TAUGHT ME TO FIGHT! I will never stop. I'm sick of hearing people say that we have achieved MLK's "dream". 

This was NOT his dream!


Tuesday 13 October 2015

The Grandpas, I Never Knew - Scribblings From My 13 Year Old Mind #BHMUKEdition

I thought about you with love
Today and yesterday was nothing new
I still think about you every day
Days, weeks and months

But I thought of you in silence
I speak and say of your name
But all I have are memories of you
Pictures in frames and your special smiles

Love is stronger than anything
Although I can’t stop death from happening
It will go on, but death can’t take away my memories
After all life is stronger than death

It broke my heart to lose you, yet I never knew you
But you never went alone,
Apart of me went with you
It was the day God called you home

I spent most of my years
Crying and moaning for you, because I never knew you
I’d ask my mum and dad” what you when like?”
They’d tell me the same things

You are gone but not forgotten
Although we have separated
Your memories will always live in me
Forever and always in my heart
I miss you gramps (granddads)

Death is the last chapter in time, but the first chapter in eternity. Unknown

Sunday 11 October 2015

Africa On The Square #BHMUKEdition

Africa was loose yesterday in Trafalgar Square. It was sensational to see so many people came to celebrate what was once known as "the dark continent". 

This post celebrates AFRICA, my motherland. 

I celebrate all the gorgeous black people at home. We are destined for greatness, it doesn't matter what others say and ignore the fact most of us haven't been offered the same opportunities as others. There's no way that we can't all being incredible! I believe that we can be so much more than what we are limited to be or what we are told we will ever be.

 I truly appreciate and love being black. I have always been proud of being Africa despite all the misconception that is said about us. It's always a pleasure when such events take place because I feel like I'm home once again.

Tribal prints filled the atmosphere. So much vibrancy, cultural foods, and laughter. It was tremendous to witness black people representing in traditional wear.

 It's was SPECTACULAR! So many different cultures and races showing appreciation for someone's homeland. 

I couldn't also resist taking a picture with my sisters. Please take a moment to adore these incredible girls and outfits. 

We were also treated to a fashion show.  BLACK GIRLS KILLING IT!

Moreover, Uganda celebrated its 53rd independence day on the 9 of October. 

Congratulations to my fellow Ugandans brothers and sisters. 

Happy Sunday, misfts! Wish you were there! 

Wednesday 7 October 2015

#BlackBoysMatter New York Fashion Week #BHMUKEdition

We are only a few days in October but that doesn't mean that I'm late to the celebration. This month, the UK celebrates the people of colour. We celebrate all that they have achieved and all that they will achieve in the future. 

This post celebrates Kerby Jean-Raymond. A spectacular fashion designer who's recent line at New York's fashion week recently powerfully commemorated the young men killed by the police in the US.

Kerby is the founder and creative director of the New York fashion label, Pyer Moss. The inspiration of this line was due to the upsetting experiences that he's had with the police. It's obvious that black boys are more likely to be stopped by the police than white boys but who the hell are you to be flexing your gun in front of a bunch on 10-year-olds!?! Boo, you AIN'T shit! 

As a politics student and a black girl in general, I know that race has and still is playing a huge role in the way we interact with each other. My brothers have been stopped by the police just because of the colour of their skin and it's saddening that my 12-year-old brother is going to experience this same atrocity soon. 

Moreover, the depressing fact is though America was built on racist foundations and that those foundations influenced politics and society; several dismissed this when Obama was elected. We thought that change would come but unfortunately, it hasn't. In a way, it's made racial inequality more visible and that true racial equality in America is still a distant dream. Justice Thurgood Marshall was right, "The position of the negro today in American is the tragic but inevitable consequence of centuries of unequal treatment. measured by a benchmark of comfort or achievement, meaningful equality remains a distant dream for the negro." 

‘I can’t breathe ...’ Kerby Jean-Raymond’s Pyer Moss collection being modelled in New York on Thursday.

However, it doesn't mean that we can't change things around. We can make Dr. King's dream come true and it all starts here. The reason that Jean-Raymond is so captivating is that he had something to say that other designers didn't.


Sunday 4 October 2015

7 Ways To Be Great

I'm sorry that I've been terrible recently with posting. The school is way much harder than I thought it was going to be but I'm striving for it. I mean I have to. And seeing as this is my last yer of sixth form, I've been bombarded with questions of what I am going to do afterward, and truth is I don't know. 

So I got thinking about what I actually intended to do after school because it's important. I can't be heading into the world blind. It's vital that I at least have some idea forget me through some years. Moreover, Dan asked us about our plans after sixth form and it was sad that I had no clue. I didn't and don't want to disappoint him but all I have now is my writing and photography. I am trying my absolute hardest to figure out what I want to do with my life but I'm just not happy with any of my conclusions.

However, I'm encouraging you guys to go searching for your dreams. To be happy while you're doing it, not because you're doing it for someone else but because you're doing it for yourself. I feel like this has been one of my weakness that I've lived a life of pleasing people rather than myself. Don't do what I've done. It only sets you back and you start to lose apart from yourself.

Be yourself. Be proud of it. Here are a few things that I've been doing that have helped. Dan always reminds us that the reason he chose us to be on Arrival is because he saw something in us. He says that we are destined for greatness and I believe that you all can as well.

  1. Be gentle and kind
  2. Show respect to everyone you meet, no what their status. It doesn't matter whether you think they deserve it or not
  3. Pay attention to the little things
  4. Do everything wholeheartedly, with passion and love
  5. Be adaptable, flexible and open to change
  6. Don't complicate your life with lots of the oughts, musts, and shoulds
  7. Encourage other people to be all they can be.