Sunday 21 June 2020

for the low days/moments/years.

1. remind yourself everyday that life is just a process ... a temporary process
and that as sad as it seems
you will never able to do all that you want
because things take time.
remember that in thing regarding life ... in regarding moments where you need to remind yourself how to breathe
take all the time needed and a bit more
because your physicality and mentality are important
so don't go crazy but also do go crazy
bearing in mind that no one ever really wins at life

2. and this is the beauty of this terrible existence.

Friday 5 June 2020

How WE die - a repost.

i thought that it was fitting for the current state of america.

originally posted on dec 11th 2017.

by the barrel of the guns of the police
by the policies of their president
by the hands of our own people 

by the limitations of the education system 
by the injustices of the justice system 
by the bars of our jail cells 

by the tears of our parents, of our ancestors 
by the sadness of our parents when we get stuck in the hood
by the words, you spit at us
but this is not how we die 
not in front of our unseeded/seeded dreams 
not in front of our unborn/born children 
not in front of our mothers and fathers

your racist trauma is how we survive 

we are a people 

a whole muthafuckin race

How did the 'Blackout Tuesday' social media initiative come about ...