Tuesday 9 November 2021

von mir - on the things I have learnt in 2021


1. the closer people are, the easier it is to hurt each other. and I have hurt a lot of people. unintentionally, of course. so I have chosen to let go of most. I'm still coming to grapple with their absence and what it now means for me. 

2. letters to people I love: 

I want you to know I'm still here 

just because I have not spoken/texted you in a while - it does not mean that I don't think of you often. 

3. "Der Menschheit würde ist in eure hand gegeben, bewahre sie." - life lessons from a building in Wiesbaden. 

4. because of all the adventures that I have been so fortunate to have, not only have I been educated, challenged and enriched. but I have also developed a love for languages. because I understand that importance and act of respectability that learning your travel destination's native tongue can have on one's onset. 

5. adele studied: Epidemiology - the study of how disease spread.

she had a tough break in the second half of 2021. 

6. sustainable "killing" in return for "sustainable fishing" - Oceana, Cowspiracy

7. somehow I thought I would see you forever. 

how very wrong I was. 

8. we revolt because we can no longer breathe"