Tuesday 14 May 2013

These are my confessions...

  1. I hate milk, so I have my cereal dry
  2. I can't handle exams, I literally freak out on the day which leads me to forget everything I've studied for :/
  3. I'm not close with my dad, so I have dad issues
  4. School has been where I've spent some of my best and worst time of my life
  5. People get angry at me because I forget their names but somehow remember their faces. Hey, what's wrong with that? 
  6. I spend about half an hour in shops deciding what to eat so...
  7. I remember on my first day of primary school somewhere in year 4; I kicked a boy who shall not be named in the balls but we later became best friends ;) sorry about that dude :*
  8. I don't get embarrassed! (You can try if you want but everyone so far has failed.)
  9. I have issues with toes so I keep my socks on at all time
  10. I hate when people know I'm gonna do something, so they tell me to do it. It makes me do the opposite. 
  11. My mum never lets me out on a special occasion without wearing a dress, I think if she had an opportunity to lock me in the house; she'd take it. LOL
  12. 1 4 3
  13. When I was younger, I sat on my great-grandmother's grave and my aunt told me "she'd rise up and take me back to the grave with her." Ever since then I've been scared of graves and funerals. 
  14. I'm not in a good place right now and only one person understands
  15. My motto is: "Never will I leave you nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5 though I feel like I'm contradicting myself because once you hurt me I'll leave you or I shut you out
  16. I hate the smell of cigarettes. If you want a slap, then I dare you to smoke in front of me
  17. Cheese is disgusting! I've never eaten or tried but the smell is atrocious! 
  18. I doubt anyone has seen the real me. Truthfully, I don't even think I've seen the real me
  19. Climbing trees were my first real hobby
  20. Snails, slugs, spiders creep me out!
  21. I love my MUSIC and RELIGION!
  22. I think I've read almost every book from my primary school library
  23. I'm currently in the process of beginning my GCSEs and I'm already stressed with the coursework
  24. My family doesn't know what goes on in each other's lives but we are super close
  25. At heart, I'm lost. In body, I'm a teenager
  26. I have a double barrel name---> Alice-Norah but I never add the 'h'
  27. I suck at the alphabet, I have to sing the song, which I don't even know
  28. I can't stand commercials, they interrupt my shows
  29. When I was younger, I threw stones at my dog so it chased me until I got to my uncle's house which was like 1 min away since he lived across. I got in trouble with my aunt and I wasn't allowed to play with my dog anymore, so partly my fault and doggy's  fault. Anyway, I've been afraid of dogs ever since then.
  30. I have watched every CSI show and episode
  31. I have too many hobbies which lead to unfinished projects
  32. I can't love tv programs because I've watched too many and can't choose a favourite
  33. I don't like being mean or rude, I'll only show these emotions if you push me to the limit
  34. My brothers are a different story
  35. I'm not too sure where I am with my faith at the moment
  36. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't change anything
  37. I've had more than 20 emails but forgot all the passwords because they were too long but I remember one of the passwords "ihatemybrothers" but I just can't remember what the email was
  38. During my time at secondary school which is still going on, at least all my teachers have mistaken me for my sister "Esther"  
  39. I've never been involved in a physical fight, I'm proud to say
  40. This is my 40th confession and I'm out of confessions
  41. I hardly eat any food, so its very difficult to find something I'll eat. My mum thinks I'm not her child because of this
  42. When I went to Spain last year with half of my year from school, we were banned from speaking to the Spanish boys but we broke the rules because they were too...
  43. I've been learning French for 5 years now, I've even been to the country plenty of times but I can't speak the language though I can understand and write it
  44. I've been known to have a "screw face"
  45. Right now I'm listening to "Cheers ( Drink to that ) by Rihanna on Spotify
  46. I don't like having a wider range of friends, I like to keep myself to myself and a small group of close friends
  47. I haven't started my Music GCSE composition :/
  48. I'm tired. 
  49. I have a certain number of people that truly know me and I can trust. I learned this from Demi Lovato, Michael Jackson, and Justin Bieber  
  50. This is my last confession, so I'll leave you with this ----> Usher - Confessions Part II

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