Saturday 31 January 2015

January Aims

  1. Eat healthily - I've got to stop munching on chocolates, fizzy drinks, sweets, and crisps. They really aren't good for me. I tried being a vegetarian but I only eat 4 vegetables and I hate fish. 
  2. Give sixth form a go - I may not be very enthusiastic about school but I need to give it a chance. The least I can do is get the best possible results and wait for it to be over.
  3. Leave nice comments on social media and/or blogs.
  4. Be kind to yourself.
  5. Push myself to get up before the rest of the world - start with 7am, then 6am, then 5am. Take a walk or go for a run to watch the sun rise.
  6. Push myself to sleep earlier - start with 11pm, then 10pm, then 9pm. 
  7. Stress less. Cry less over homework, over projects procrastinated and tests piling up; save up all those tears for laughter, for unbearable happiness. Be okay with less than perfect.
  8.  Practice patience.
  9. Listen to music everyday and try to learn the songs 
  10. Begin yoga or meditation. Learn to reach for the sky as hard as I can when I stretch. 

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