Thursday 1 January 2015

2015 Resolutions

These are my first ever New Year's resolutions and as we all know that New Years are cliches of new starts and clean slates. But hey, there's nothing wrong with that. People call 'cliches' cliches because they know what they mean and how stubbornly accurate they are. Hence why I truly believe that New Years is about forgetting about all that crap, that's happened in the previous year and start with new things and people. It's a moment to reevaluate your life and change things that you would like if you please. In other words, New Years is a kick up our lazy asses. 

So here are my 2015 New Years resolutions:

  1. Exercise more - I love my sports and it was deeply saddening when I gave them up to focus on my exams (probably a good idea at the time) but I forgot to pick them up again. So 2015 will be a time for fitness, where I pick up tennis, trampolining, swimming and running again. It's about being healthier.
  2. Read, read, read, read - Seeing as I'm doing English, GovPols and History levels, I think reading would be a good idea. I've been so concentrated on reading subjects recommended books than my own that I've lost the love of being a book worm. Time to find it again starting with "You get so alone at time it just makes sense" by Charles Bukowski
  3. Write more. Write more about everything and anything - I have so many ideas accompanied with a ton of procrastination. There's so much to write about so I need to get it out or it will eat me alive. I would also love to start some fashion posts too...maybe?
  4. Guitar, Drums, Piano, Bass and Sing (maybe?) -  I actually have the ability to play all these instruments, it's just that I don't play them as much as I would like to. Especially the guitar, I've been playing the guitar for nearly 4 years now and I'm nowhere near the ability I would like to be. Consequently, I'm determined to play the guitar at least an hour a day every day for the rest of 2015 as it's my main instrument as well as improve on singing as it's my newest instrument.
  5. Eat healthily - I've got to stop munching on chocolates, fizzy drinks, sweets and crisps. They really aren't good for me. I tried being a vegetarian but I only eat 4 vegetables and I hate fish. 
  6.  Be patient. Be thankful. - So much shit has gone down in 2014 but I'm not the only one who's experienced bad things during it. I would like to learn to be more patient and more thankful as they are characteristics that I deeply admire. 
  7. Pick up French and possibly Spanish again - One of my dreams in life is to become a polyglot. I have a huge desire for learning new languages and I really would like to become fluent in French. I've been studying it since year 5 but I've got nowhere, maybe I'll take another trip to France in 2015.
  8. Learn to apologetically say no - I've been told that I'm too generous. I used to think that it wasn't bad but people have taken advantages of my generosity and I'm thankful to them because it's opened my eyes.
  9. Learn how to save up - Independence is an aspiration of mine. I don't like asking my mum for everything but I have so many things I want to do and see that I've got to stop spending money on stupid things and earn for all those adventures. 
  10. Travel more - Another one of my dreams. I can't stand staying in the same place. I want to travel more to see more sights, learn new things and experience new cultures.
  11. Pick up my camera again - Photography is a hobby of me. One that I hope never to lose but lately I haven't been taking any more pictures and I feel lost.
  12. Stop giving a shit about what others think of me and let them go - This used to be hard but I'm getting there. I think putting myself first more will really help me in my development of the person that I hope to be. Also, I grow too attached to people who end up leaving and I'm not putting myself through that in 2015. If you want to be in my life, make it happen but I'm not going to dwell on your empty presence waiting for you to come back.
  13. Complete these 30 challenges
  14. Meet more people - I love new surroundings and that comes with new people to meet as well. 
  15. Take more chances - I've spent 2014 shying away from opportunities, it hasn't been good when I think of all the things I've missed by passing up those chances. I will be FEARLESS in 2015.
  16. Less - talking, planning, complaining, worrying, doubting, lazing around, frowning, insecurity, ignorance and weakness.
  17. More - listening, doing, encouraging, faith, believing, smiling, confidence, understanding, love and gratitude
  18. Give the sixth form ago - I may not be very enthusiastic about school but I need to give it a chance. The least I can do is get the best possible results and wait for it to be over.
  19. Go to more concerts - This is simple. Music keeps me sane. I am a music student.
  20. Learn new recipes - My brother once said: "the only reason people learn to cook is because they want to be fat." I don't think he meant it in a bad way, though.
  21. Never lose faith - I still learning this...
Now I do realise that this seems like a lot but I'm pretty sure that I can achieve them all. I will cross off the ones that I've achieved. See you soon 2015 :) 

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