Friday 24 July 2015

Challenges for 2015 - Meditation #3

I'm living a life that's seeking a higher power! Though I'm a Christian, I believe that all religions eventually come to ONE ultimate conclusion...that there is a GOD. We may not be willing to believe this yet as some religions have more than one god but I believe it... 

Meditation is one of the things I've learned this year. It's very soothing not only the mind but for the body as well. It allows me to be at peace with myself even if it's for a few minutes a day. 

It's helped me be calmer and see the world in a different perspective. 

I can let go of being me. Learn more appreciation and awareness.   

Here's an app recommended by Ella of 'WeNeedToLiveMore'. It's called 'Headspace' and all you have to do is meditate 10 minutes a day, even when you're on the go.

It really does help. There several other things that you can also meditate about such as relationships, creativity, anxiety, and focus.

It's a "gym membership for the mind" - Andy Puddicombe

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