Sunday, 25 August 2013

Heath Legder

Hiya mate, you've been gone so long I almost forgot about ya
The chaos that surrendered your end was dreadful
You always seemed to be one with the world, not giving bull but taking chances
For a second there I thought your loss was merely a lie but it's not, is it?
A mellow, artistic, free spirited soul like yours deserves to rest in the most serene places
Seeming to portray the bad guy but really educating us about the dangers of life
Before every light was out, we'd slowly give a glance under our beds for the monsters
But you knew the truth all along, didn't you?
Hey there matey, it's been too long without you but I bet you're having fun
You are what you said you were... different, so fuck everyone's opinion
Open-minded but enough to close the mind, so sure and hopeful of life
You knew fear because you were once the character we were scared of
Blessed with a thought provoking mind and blithe soul
I have yet to mention why I admire you so much
It's not every day that God creates humans like you but then again
 It's not very often that humans like yourself grasp the true concept of life
I've watched you all your films and compared them to others
You did say that people would judge what you were as a person, once you left
You were the inquisitive, intellectual type, one's that very rare in a funny world like ours
And you were right
People do show you who they really are in their last moments
In those last moments of theirs, you have the power to make them feel like crap for everything they've done to you, but then you'd be worse than them
Why do I look up to you so much? 
It's simple really...
What I learnt from you is what's above ^^

R.I.P monsieur Heath Ledger. I do long to be inventive as you.

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