Monday 6 April 2015

One Of Life's Greatest Alternating Moments: What The World Forgot

April 4th, 2015 marked the 47th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Whilst it was both a tragedy and symbol for the black community and more so the whole world; I was a bit sad that the world didn't April 4th. Dr King was our uncomfortable conscience. It was unfortunate and still is our prophets are destroyed before we get to listen to them.

At a time when things were done following a hierarchy society and negros were considered to be the bottom of the food chain; the world felt a light exist when Dr. King was shot. It was the work of a demented individual. 

If I could return to a time in the past; it'd be that of Dr. King's, to see him and Malcolm X deliver the naked truth. Sometimes, I think that maybe if we repeated it enough, that they (King and X) didn't go; we'd come to believe it ourselves.

This is what the world forgot. That on April 4th, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee; the world lost a terrific begin. I've been raised up in my history, this history. I have the biographies of King and X; I've listened to their last 'recorded' words both in books and recording. 

Dr. King's beautiful dream resulted in him because remembered as a true man, not a man of colour. 

Feb. 18, 1957

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