Friday 22 August 2014

GCSE Results 2014

Now if you live in Britain and are aged 15 or 16, I'm sure most of you received your GCSE results back yesterday. I want to say "WELL DONE to the CLASS OF 2014". We are finally done with secondary school and now are off to an even more excruciating task... SIXTH FORM for the next two years. 

Here are my results: 

English Lit & Lang - A
Maths, History, Music, RE & Citizenship - B
PE, French & Science - C
Additional Science - D

Tbh I think that I could've achieved way better than things though I'm rather proud of myself and the way I see it; these results DON'T determine the rest of my life. They are just a bunch of letters scribbled on a piece of paper to tell us, teenagers, what we think we are capable of and make teachers think that "she/he should've listened to me when I told her to do those extra assignments!" Nevertheless, I do give us credit because we kicked some bull with those exams! 

It's funny and a serious piss take that the media has the right to assume that 'this was going to be the worst year results'... like who the heck are you to degrade us just because you're constantly struck down by your superiors or by the nation. You HAD NO RIGHT to preach to our parents, teachers, and us about how we should 'prepare for the worst results' because honestly, you're a bunch of arrogant, truculent, bothersome adults. Frankly, I apologize for being so cold but you started it, I mean you always do the minute that you downsize us and think that we are incapable of being great. 

As for teenagers of Britain, that got their results yesterday... CONGRATULATIONS!! Of course, it was a horrid but maybe exciting journey but we got there in the end. Now let's focus on the next two years and do the possible best that we can again because I believe that we are so capable. We might just become the generation that changes the world. 

Why? Why do I believe that? Simple... I'm apart of the 21st generation which by the way had the best shows in the 90s (cheers to that!) and I REFUSE TO BELIVE THAT THIS IS A LOST GENERATION. 

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