Thursday, 20 June 2013

The Final Day

Today we had Sports day and for my year (Year 10) it was the last sports day we are ever gonna have!  Seeing as next year, we are going to be sitting our final exams. Although half the year was against it, in the beginning, we ended up having fun and creating lots of memories. 

I participated in the Wellie Throw, which in my opinion is a dumb sport and also took part in the relay. Now the Wellie throw. Who now earth created that sport? Why would you want to throw a wellie? What on earth would possess you to throw a wellie in a net? I might be hating of this sport because I have a bad aim which I think is the true reason. But oh well, I still think it's stupid!

The relay was crazy! I came like an hour late, so one of my classmates had done my performance, and well they put me up for the relay. Which I'm fine with seeing as I've done relay since Year 7. It was an epic race! Now my class has a problem, we are always last; well technically we don't think it's bad because as long as we had fun, then yeah. What we don't do is give in the points like this year, we had no idea what place we came. Great!

Our last races are the best! We have Tug of War for the students, parents vs teachers Tug of War and teachers against parents in 100 meters  These are the races that people come for because you get to see your teacher in another world, the fun world. They always seem so serious at school, but during sports day it's like they are someone completely different! 

The end has final. We always knew it would but not so soon. I regret nothing because regrets aren't good for the mind as they set you back. Though fun can still be experienced, I have to be mature because I'm entering the real world. Today was the last day of a whole school. We have some future Olympians that raced amongst us which was impeccable.

 Happy Sports Day Sydenham School! Thursday 20 June 2013.

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