Sunday, 2 June 2013

Back to school kids, recess has been cancelled!

Half term's done. It's back to school we go again. Exam season has begun. Head down. Fun off. Focus on. No recess for the next two months. Work. Work. Work. Only the occasion weekend breaks.

My timetable:

 Crucial exams: Maths, Science & French

Mocks: every other subject. So if my maths' right, then I have 12 mocks in two weeks along with the exams. 

7th June: Employability day at school. An insight look of the real world, where a certain amount of business people interview us and at the end of the day choose one person whose qualified for the job. We have 8 classes in my year, which both hold up to 28 or 30 kids. So that should be fun, right?

24th June - 5th July: Work Experience :) I'm doing photography in Central London. Excited! 

It's time for me to grow up and be my own person. Get ready girls, just two more months for Londoners teenagers til the SUMMER HOLIDAY of SIX WEEKS!

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