Saturday, 22 June 2013

No New Friends

I used to think the world was against me
Wore a cold heartless expression upon my face
The fact that my outfits weren't great nor fashionable either said a lot
I wasn't always like this, I was simply forced to become this person
With people always lying and leaving, you lose focus and trust
The point of living suddenly evolves into a mystery 
And you're left in the blazing desert to search for the answer
You lose and gain friends, but the hole within you deepens with every loss
The ones that you gain, you must now learn to attach yourself to them
To avoid the past from repeating itself, you take every opportunity thrown your way
Sadly, it doesn't work out and that's another life to wave goodbye to
They may label you as a heinous bitch, but ignore them; you've been through enough
Go on and live your life, those who label you are the ones that will come crawling back to you
To the friends that have stayed with you throughout the ups and downs of life
"Cheers to them" 
These are the kind of challenges, the Creator throws at you to see whether you can handle it
You will have days when you feeling like giving up and locking yourself up and crying
But darling, don't give into the failures; you are so much better than all of them
When you look around you and see what great company surrounds you, be grateful
Because the heinous bitch got through it all with the support people around her
Same old friends, no new friends; same old troubles along with new ones
It's only because people like us have seen a lot and know what lies behind it
We can't go around making new friends because we can't bail on the old ones
 That's just how we live our lives, we get names like that because of 
Our attitude, the way we dress and the crowds we hand with, no new friends
Just old friends 

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