Thursday 17 September 2015

"Words Mean Things" - The Read

On the 12th of September, my friend, Tyla took me to live talk show as a birthday present. However before I let you in about all the glorious details about what happened, I feel that it's only right that I present you with a little background of the show.

Firstly, it's not really a show; it's a podcast. The live talk show on Saturday was their first live talk show tour in London. It's a weekly one hour podcast based in New York hosted by "comedians" Kid Fury and Crissle. (I'm not putting in the quotations marks for banter, it's the way Kid Fury addressed himself and he used this specific gestures.)

So 2 days before the show, Tyla texted me and told me that before I received my present; I had to listen to it beforehand and make sure that I liked it and wanted to go. Apparently, I don't have the best facial expressions when it comes to being presented with a gift that I'm not too particularly proud of. However, as it so happened I LOVED this present. 

In a nutshell, the podcast analyses pop culture and current events. It has 3 sections: 
  1. "Hot Topics" - selected by Kid Fury
  2. "Listener Letters" - managed by Crissle and in this segment, they read questions sent in by listeners and talk about them. Consequently, due to Saturday being a live show; they took questions from the audience instead.
  3. "The Read" - where both Kid Fury and Crissle "read" a person or a topic.

Describe the day in one word -> Phenomenal!!!! 


There was so much that I thought I knew but didn't fully know or for that fact understand. Most of all, it had been so long since I'd been in a room with so many people of the same colour; the feeling was kind of mind-blowing, to be honest. Moreover, the fact that the show kind of criticises white people, it was lovely seeing some turn-up. Also, not only did I get to spend the day with one of my dear friend who I hadn't seen in months since sixth forms alerted us to our new lives; but I now have a new found love.

What I learnt -> that there are so many battles fought by women of colour, and while we rush to defend our black men; they don't necessary come to fight with or for us in our battles and the needs to change. There's so much that needs to change! 

Therefore, to conclude, I strongly encourage the girl that has dreams of setting up a space for people of colour ONLY to do it. IT'S NOT RACIST! Ignore those that say it is. They don't know your reasons behind the space. And frankly, you don't need to explain yourself to them!

Oh, I almost forgot. This was basically a BEYONCÉ fan meet-up! I'm pretty certain that everyone there was a major Queen Bey fan and I have PROOF! I also got inked by Tyla with Beyoncé's flash tattoos. I got a BEEEE obvs!  

Join me and several other listeners:
Beyoncé flash tattoos:

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