This is to me of PRESENT...
How are you doing? "Fine, I guess. I mean I have good days and bad days..." How are you coping with education? "It's utter B U L L! They aren't teaching us things that are worth teaching! Why can't they teach us about happiness, the value of security or how to set up a bank account!?" I realize that the past years haven't exactly been the greatest seeing as I became obsessed with living up to everyone's expectations and forgot to take care of myself. I let people walk over me and use me...however 2015 started off fair. Surrendered by friends and people that you cherish and love, don't ever take them grant. Always speak your mind. Don't give up on school, no matter how crap and pointless you think it is. There are so many people that would wish to be in the position that you are in today.
You've probably learnt that at 17, life isn't fair. Don't expect it to ever be. Your siblings have taught you to work hard for everything in order to get to where you want to be, so do it. Most of all, I want you to EARN everything you do. EARN the grades for the summer. You should
treasure it because you've earned it.
treasure it because you've earned it.
L O V E L I F E ! When summer comes, I want you be spend every single day with friends goofing off and making memories. Go out and meet new people but don't burn bridges with anyone. Life will always screw you over and so will people in order to get to where they want to be; that doesn't mean that you need to do the same. Start a list of 4 things you love, 4 things you're good at. Just one list and notice how they will keep changing. Eventually, they will start to match up leading you to your path. Never throw that list away. Things aren't always going to be the way you imagine them and that's alright. I know you don't have a clear idea of what you want to with your life...and being a Virgo, I know that often drives you crazy. But it's okay to have unknowns in your life.
Furthermore, you have a habit of being hard on yourself. You're a perfectionist. Don't worry, it's in your nature to do so but do so carefully. At this moment, adults think is that all we only need to worry about are A levels but they are wrong. We have so much more going on with ourselves. I know school isn't evil as there is something to gain from it. We merely don't like it because we have reassessed our motives. We don't want to work for someone to see ourselves help them build their dreams while we haven't achieved ours yet.
Me from the present, you've been independent since the day you were born. Don't follow people. Build your own path. Create your own stage and stand out. I'm sorry to disappoint but education is not the key to everything that we want to do. Don't be a fake friend to anyone. Be R E A L! Be T R U E! To yourself and with everyone. Leave no time for regrets. Me of the present, do everything that you planned to do in 2015. Take those trips to France and Germany. Keep on writing for yourself, for the world. It doesn't matter if it will never be seen by the world. Open your freaking mind to world. Don't give in to jealousy because that's where haters come from. Complete that bucket list. BUT most of all, LIVE IN THE PRESENT!
This is me of the PAST...
This is an extraordinary little letter based on a simple idea. 3 different sections on what I would say to myself if I came face-to-face with my Present, Past and Future self. I doubt this is going to be poignant as I'm looking back at my younger self with compassion remembering how vulnerable and hazardous those years were. It's where all the fun and freedom was supposed to be. As I've grown up I've developed this is whole concept of not looking back at the past but it's inevitable to do so. Not much has changed if I can recall correctly, what's different is that I'm older and more knowledge of what's right and wrong. I wish to change nothing of the my past, I believe I went through everything I did to get to where I am today. Thank you, I guess...
To me of the FUTURE...
What's your new overwhelming message of the year? Be yourself? Become yourself, as fully as possible? Have you done everything you wanted to do? What do you do for a living? You better not have conformed to the rules of society because if you have, I will kick your ass! Have you kept in touch with dad...? What I mean is that...don't hate him. He may have screwed but he's one of the reason you're able to feel anything at all today. Check up on him, see how he's doing and go back to your life. How are your siblings and mum? How are the aunties, uncles and all your other adopted relatives? How is everyone else? Are you still friends with people that you were friends with from primary, secondary and university? Are you still travelling? Are you happy? Completed your bucket list? What are your new hopes and dreams? Are you on track to achieving them?
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