Wednesday 25 October 2017

I Think I Love You Pt.2

I think I love you 
Yes, I apologise for the uncertainty 

Yes, you deserve someone who doesn’t shy away from their feelings 
But I mean it this time 

I think I love you 
And that’s a scary acknowledgment for me

Because I know that we like to think of love as just being romance and butterflies in our stomach 
When it’s so much more 

It's the most powerful emotion 
And it’s the most temporary emotion

Because love, itself, is a whole and we really merely pieces 
Love is fleeting 

There will only ever be a few of our millions that will ever get to experience this rarity in its entirety 

So that’s why I think I love you 

- because I have learned that there’s no such thing as "getting used to the pain”

It hurts until something better comes along

And I don’t want that 

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