Believe me when I say... raising five kids on your own isn't the easiest...
But you never once gave up on us
A hardworking woman who goes out night after night to save other's lives,
Then come back to your zoo of a house and deal with five kids with five different personalities
We haven't always been the best but damn, are grateful to have you as our mother
Never dwelling on the've never once complained about how difficult your role is
It's true that we've had bad days though we can't forget the good days made from our misery
There are angels that God puts on the earth... the ones that care and guide us
If I wish for anything in the world...
It'd be that you stop, rest and let us take care of you
In the life that we are living right now, we are awakened to the higher consciousness
We have accepted the hardest of things but dwell on them even though we are surrounded by powerful women
Strong, independent and proud women have raised my siblings and me
Educating us to be the best possible versions of ourselves
God, thank you for the roses from your garden... the ones that you so lovingly plucked from the shores of your jubilee

How can we thank you?
For the never ending support, laughter and tears
We, the five of us have proved to be more than a struggle
However I believe that only someone like you, someone that's so strong yet gentle and caring could have managed us, five headstrong, know it all kids
We are what we are today because of you
We can't explain the gratitude inside for all the nights and days that you've spent by our side
Listening to us ranting about everything and anything
I can't imagine how hard of a task this has been for you but more than anything,
We have enjoyed being your kids and watching you accomplish everything you have and everything that is to come
We could never fully finish saying how thankful we are but having raised five kids that still tease each other about everything and anything,
Hopefully shows you a bit... and we'll continuing showing you the rest throughout our lives
To my mum and my aunties,
While most of us haven't had the experience of having two parents,
We have realised that didn't matter, sometimes all we need is one
Thank you for raising us as well as you knew how

Dedicated to
the mothers of the world...
Thank you for the work you have done!
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