If we should perish.... and you should live on
Don't let grief consume you, only to destroy you
If we should suffer an unfortunate event...while others have no choice but to watch our downfall
We don't wish guilt upon you nor do we want you to drown yourself in sorrow
If life was to offer us anything else than what we desired... make your own path
We weren't born to follow the path left by those who walk in front of us
Life has these unfortunate series of events...
The ones that occur in the deepest and most poignant moments
150 souls
If life should become unbearable and you feel like giving up, DON'T
Don't forget that you are being led by a leader with 10 years of experience
Most of you still had your lives ahead of you, I assume that among you were wise, noble people that were going to change the world
Let go of your anger, let go of your ego and let go of your sadness
Returning from an exchange were 16 beautiful souls accompanied by 2 knowledgeable teachers
2 innocent, graceful and full-hearted souls of happiness
Life knows no sadness... believe this, I hope neither do you
150 souls
Loved ones light candles... gathering flowers to lead you home
Though a void has been entrenched within them and some will build a memorial in honour
of you
of you
Knowing that you aren't coming back home...
That your smile, and that the laughter in your eyes that you used to shield the dejection when you were down will never be seen again
130 souls hoping to go home, and for one more time...and touch their loved ones
A chance that now will never come, a chance that now dwells in the mountains that were once so flawlessly placed...they still are, but...
150 souls
If life should bear no despair... we should follow the same suit
But...we are not life, we are living life
We should grieve because we are hurting
We are hurting because our loved ones now lie serenely but not with us
They lie in the ever so beautifully crafted Alps
Flight 370, Flight 1086, Flight 235, 2015 Eglin Air Force Base, 2015 Los Llanos Air Base, 2015 Syrian Air Force An-26, Villa Castelli collision
If we should suffer an unfortunate event... like this unfortunate event and like those before us,
We have a choice to stand in unity and comfort each other in these vulnerable times

130 souls hoping to go home, and for one more time...and touch their loved ones
A chance that now will never come, a chance that now dwells in the mountains that were once so flawlessly placed...they still are, but...
150 souls
If life should bear no despair... we should follow the same suit
But...we are not life, we are living life
We should grieve because we are hurting
We are hurting because our loved ones now lie serenely but not with us
They lie in the ever so beautifully crafted Alps
Flight 370, Flight 1086, Flight 235, 2015 Eglin Air Force Base, 2015 Los Llanos Air Base, 2015 Syrian Air Force An-26, Villa Castelli collision
If we should suffer an unfortunate event... like this unfortunate event and like those before us,
We have a choice to stand in unity and comfort each other in these vulnerable times
If we should perish.... and you should live on
Don't let grief consume you, only to destroy you
If we should suffer an unfortunate event...while others have no choice but to watch our downfall
We don't wish guilt upon you nor do we want you to drown yourself in sorrow
If life was to offer us anything else than what we desired... make your own path
We weren't born to follow the path left by those who walk in front of us
Life has these unfortunate series of events...
The ones that occur in the deepest and most poignant moments
150 souls
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