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I do love flowers as well :) |
- Falling asleep to rain - I'm sure most of you already know the feeling but I just can't seem to comprehend what it is about the rain that makes you want to sleep. And sometimes, that kind of sleep is the best kind of sleep because you forget about your worries and troubles; stare out the window and try counting the raindrops. It seems like the perfect day, no matter how much you hate rain. The best kind of sleep is with the rain!
- Fuzzy anythings - I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ANYTHING THAT'S FUZZY! Whether it's a fruit, teddy bears, clothes or socks. I don't care. I don't mind because I just love them, I don't even know why but I just do.
- Music - You know the blues, the shiny/glittery disco pants and tops, bandanas, big jerseys music videos, ultimate girl groups and boy bands dressed in baggy clothes. Those are the days that I'd like to go back to because music then had to mean. It showed that the artists loved what the were doing, no-one was forcing them to do anything and it was so...!
- My Bed - I think that everyone should just get married to their beds or have like a travel around bed because I just love my bed. Whenever I'm at school, I just wonder what my bed is doing or how it feels when I'm not around. We are just so tightly connected, it breaks my heart to wake up.
- The Vintage Life - Lemme me just clear this up... I'm obsessed with vintage stuff. I love shopping in vintage shops, I love the vintage days because I feel like they were the best days. Though I don't know the vintage days but I associate them with vinyl.
- Being alone - Being by myself is amazing. It's what I cherish the most on most days because I feel like it's my time to reflect on the days, weeks or months and see whether there's any change needed.
- Books and Writing - I'm such a nerd that I never leave my house without a book and a pen. I'm not one of those people that are going to leave actual books for an eBook. I couldn't imagine myself turning false pages on technology, I'd rather get a paper cut.
- Cold showers on hot days - While some of us dread cold showers, I'm finding them extremely refreshing and relaxing!
- Spending countless hours on the phone with your friends - My friends meaa lotot to me. I'd never be here if it weren't for them, that's why I love chatting to them; no matter what I'm doing or where I am. I can talk to my friends for countless hours about the silliest things and never get bored.
- Laughing so much it physically hurts - Don't deny it, you love it as well. Youknoe when you have those friends that are constantly making jokes about everything that even laughing becomes seriously painfully.
- Sunny and cold days - On sunny days, I'm just out there. Roaming about wherever I am because I want a new scenery. However on cold days, I love to snuggle up in bed or stairs downstairs with the siblings having movie marathons and when it suits me most; destroying the kitchen with friends.
- Family - It's one of the most vital things in my life. If I don't have it then I'm nothing.
- Siblings - I can't imagine my life without these four people. They make my life worthwhile when you ingore the arguments and focus on the days we just lazy around the house and scream at the top of our voices.
- Baggy clothes - When you have older siblings, it's fun dressing up in their clothes because you find their clothes to be more comfy than yours. Especially the boys.
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