The EU referendum is on the 23rd June. It's a once in a generation opportunity and as if I didn't or you didn't already know that. Here are some statistics that I got off the BBC website: "just over a third of 18-24 year olds intend or are certain to vote, compared to the well over two thirds of the over 75s " - who are irrelevant seeing as this referendum dictates our future because we ARE the future generation. But if we mix the percentage of the 75s with "those under the age of 35, who are roughly as twice to vote to stay in as those aged over 55."
So do you get it? We are outplanned and outnumbered. While we may be the future of the UK, if we don't VOTE, we are going to get ourselves kicked out of possibly the best thing that's ever happened to the UK.
I know that I'm just one voice but I'm here. I'm here to convince you that staying in the EU is the best choice!
I get it. I understand that you're apathetic. I know that reasons why and as a politics student, I have never disliked politics as much as I do now because it's boring and corrupt, regardless of what they tell you. The parties are all the same, they tell us lies just so they can be in power, so either way we are screwed.
Nonetheless, I do make an effort to vote for the important issues like this one. This referendum has nothing to do with our corrupt political parties. It's to do with the fact that if we, the young people don't vote, we are eternity fucked. It's to do with the issue if we leave, the UK will be vulnerable to lots of shit and the country will just descend into chaos. It's to do with the fact that if we don't vote, then the majority older generation will most likely vote for us to leave.
So why are we having a referendum? Well, I'm we all know that the EU has been one gigantic experiment. One that has worked and provided all 28 countries with great benefits, so were were doing okay. Then David Cameron and his ungrateful party got desperate and promised that if the Tories won the 2015 General Election, there would be a referendum on the UK's position within the EU. Though, if you can recall that the only reason they did is was to attract right wing votes and well, what you do you know, because of David Cameron; we now have a UKIP MP in Parliament and an EU referendum in less than a month. Problem is... WE HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THE EU!
Being a member of the EU may have not always been the best but the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages because we can access other EU countries with little or no hassle, we can study or live abroad - see we are definitely better in the EU. The monthly payment that we have to make is nothing compared to what we receive in return, like the laws that we have for so long taken for granted.

What's the deal with BREXIT? Apart from it sounding a like a failed cereal name, the 'Leave' campaign is complaining about the fee that we have to pay as a member of the EU. However, I think that the fee is minimal. What the 'Leave' campaign is trying to say 'politely' but failing is that the EU has 'too much power' over US! Umm...excuse you...remember the British Empire, when you had 'an excessive amount of power' over more than half of the world who in fact didn't vote or request for it!?! Remember that? Well, this is not the British Empire, we are allowed to have allies especially with all the tragedies and hellish times that the world is facing; it's a good thing having other countries keeping us in check and having our back.
Not to mention that the 'Leave' campaign is scapegoating refugees, just like Donald Trump is scapegoating Muslims in order to win the US presidency or like how the worst dictators that the UK and its ALLIES have defeated scapegoated innocents in order to win power. Now if the 'Leave' campaign wasn't using refugees as to why we should leave the EU, I would be fine with it but they are, so I'm not. Using the migrant crisis that state that as soon as someone becomes apart of the EU, they are live wherever they want - as if, the other 27 EU member countries are more sympathetic than us because they are letting people who are fleeing from the wartorn country stay in theirs; thus giving them permission to move into the UK. Though, didn't you learn? Leaving the EU won't solve immigrant!
And putting aside the fact that out of our 6 million population, there are millions of people who don't care about refugees because they don't think that it's our bloody concern. Well, do you realise that the majority of the population of the UK are immigrants? And that there are several British nationals living across the EU, so if we leave, they have to come back. Good job, 'Leave' campaign. I can see that you really care about your people.
Have you thought about the UK economy? I don't think so. Since the announcement of the EU referendum, there has been no study, let alone a '5 reason list' to show that economically the UK would be better off leaving the EU. As a member of the EU, our economy has now become so fused to the EU that it would be suicide if we left. Would we need to change the pound to the euro? It would not longer take us decades to officially leave the EU but it would take us twice those decades to untangle ourselves from this economic tragedy. Would we even be allowed to participate in Eurovision? Would we ever be able to win it, again? Not that we were winning before...

Summary? Dear young people, please VOTE to STAY IN THE EU. We can't let though those sadistic UKIP votes win. I'm begging you! Like Scotland voted to stay apart of the UK in 2014, it's our turn to return the favour because I'm sure that they don't want to leave. A lot of you make think that you don't need to vote, but YOU DO!
I know that the EU isn't perfect and like so many things in the world right now, it's in dire need of rewiring. But most importantly, I believe that it's in our best interests in we stay because I'm certain that you don't want to look back at this moment and regret it. Vote for yourself. For your fellow young people. For your kids, so that they too can taste the benefits of what it means to be apart of the EU.
And if we do end up staying, then we can focusing on removing the already crumbling Conservative government from Parliament. But first, lets give this idiotic government actual representation of the country's opinion meaning that we need TWO THIRDS of us to haul our asses down to the voting booth on June 23, so that the result is a true reflection of the UK opinion.
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