I'm promised not to be rude!
I really did! No lie.
But how can someone stay silent when an oblivious, big-headed and chauvinist pig like Donald Trump is roaming the earth?
There's no possible way that he can be the front runner for the Republican Party
Because it's hard to comprehend that some people in America have given him this enormous platform to broadcast his racist views
I could care less who he is or how much money he has
The minute you say that one religion is responsible for all the terror in the world;
Is the minute I lose respect for you and view you less than a human being
Firstly, who the fcuk are you to decide that Muslims should be denied access to the USA?
Just because you've got a couple of millions or billions in your damn bank account doesn't mean you can do so.
Hell, Obama or the Queen would get a ton of heat, had they said something so ignorant
For us to start a petition denying you access into the UK is of probable cause
You can't say shit like "Muslims should wear ID badges or that they are not coming to this country, if I'm president" and expect that the whole world will agree with your bigoted views
To reintroduce the sickening views of a man that was so reviled by the world because he oppressed so many

Stop claiming that you're the "least racist person someone will ever meet"
What you're experiencing right now is an adrenaline rush that will soon exhaust
If Trump wins the 2016 presidential election, be sure for another Hitler like rule
Shit, you might as well employ the bloody KKK to be your 'Gestapo'
We can't let him in.
We can't cheer him on while his policies offend the rest.
We can't let history repeat itself, whilst we stand on the sidelines, once more.
Forget America being the "land of freedom" if Trump wins the presidency.
Forget the American Dream.
Forget anything good about America and watch disappear it into slumberous,
When Trump wins and becomes the most powerful man in the world.
My dearest, Rose Hamid, praise for your courage in Rock Hill, South Carolina
Trump - fcuk you for calling the rally "unbelievably exciting (and fun)" after everything transpired
And most of all, FCUK all the people that participated in ejecting Rose despite that fact that she wore a SIGN, "Salam, I come in peace" and an ID badge like Trump requested.
You all aren't shit and you never will be, no matter how 'deep' you think you are.
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