We are only a few days in October but that doesn't mean that I'm late to the celebration. This month, the UK celebrates the people of colour. We celebrate all that they have achieved and all that they will achieve in the future.

Kerby is the founder and creative director of the New York fashion label, Pyer Moss. The inspiration of this line was due to the upsetting experiences that he's had with the police. It's obvious that black boys are more likely to be stopped by the police than white boys but who the hell are you to be flexing your gun in front of a bunch on 10-year-olds!?! Boo, you AIN'T shit!

As a politics student and a black girl in general, I know that race has and still is playing a huge role in the way we interact with each other. My brothers have been stopped by the police just because of the colour of their skin and it's saddening that my 12-year-old brother is going to experience this same atrocity soon.
Moreover, the depressing fact is though America was built on racist foundations and that those foundations influenced politics and society; several dismissed this when Obama was elected. We thought that change would come but unfortunately, it hasn't. In a way, it's made racial inequality more visible and that true racial equality in America is still a distant dream. Justice Thurgood Marshall was right, "The position of the negro today in American is the tragic but inevitable consequence of centuries of unequal treatment. measured by a benchmark of comfort or achievement, meaningful equality remains a distant dream for the negro."

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