At this very moment, I've just crawled back into my bed; as I have a feeling that this is going to be a very unproductive day even though I have tons to get done.
And for this very reason, I have come to accept that I'm in dire need for some kind words and advice hence the title of the post...
In my honest opinion, the world is merely a mechanized cliche.
I think that there are things always lurking, hiding in our conversations and prying on the sickly just so they can bestow some more luck onto those that need it.
They truly are one of our greatest convenience.
Being stuck in the "can't do" phases really is detrimental for one's creativeness and well... I've decided to do something about it.
So my goal for the day is to end it with a SMILE
So my goal for the day is to end it with a SMILE
Besides what's the ultimate site to find a few encouragements and some hard hitting words of is of course, TUMBLR
Hope you like them and find some sense on inspiration :)

& last but not least my personal favourite

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