Push myself to get up before the rest of the world - start with 7am, then 6am, then 5am. Take a walk or go for a run to watch the sun rise.Push myself to sleep earlier - start with 11pm, then 10pm, then 9pm.- Get in the habit of having a delicious breakfast. One that's big healthy and beautiful.
Begin yoga or meditation. Learn to reach for the sky as hard as I can when I stretch.- Drink a lot of water.
- Don't procrastinate. Fight the habit of putting things off til the last minute.
- Live in a tidy space. Fold everything. Throw away things that you don't need or take them to charity. They might benefit someone else.
- Don't dwell on the past but rather turn it into ART.
- Push myself to go for a walk or a swim.
- Stop the negative thoughts that you think about yourself or about others
- Get back in touch with old friends. Reminisce. Do a catch up session even though I won't always be able to follow through.
- Think long and hard about what interests and captivates me. There's bound to be a book about it.
- Enjoy the simpler and little things in life.
- Challenge myself to not ridicule anyone for a whole day. Then I will try a week.
- Take to friends that have become acquaintances and acquaintances so they can become friends.
- Listen to music everyday and try to learn the songs
- Go outside more...
- Revise more. Try 8 hours a day. Have a positive mind so that I can do well.
- Wear clothes that make me happy not caring what anyone else thinks
- Remember that all the effort that I'm making now will pay off in the end.
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