Personally, I bloody enjoyed the Billboard Awards. Sorry if this post is slightly late to the awards but who gives a crap? I'm a teenager and I have school to handle as well as juggling family and friends. But anyway, lets' get back to the Billboard Awards.
Performances--> You can't be an artist if you can't put on a great performance or connect with your fans! The performances this years were seriously staggering. It was pretty damn obvious that Chris Breezy was gonna delivered an epic performance because he usually does but somehow manages to one-up the last he performed the year before. Nice one, Breezy!
T-Swizzle's up next. So can incorporate something I learned from the PE GCSE class to describe Taylor Swift's performance? Can I? Aesthetic Pleasing! From the dressing room to the stage. I love the fact that she herself managed to dance as well instead of leaving it to the dancers. Props to you, T-Swift!
Though I couldn't help but keep smiling at her magnificent unicorn top. It very rare that artists appear on stage with mythical creatures on their clothing but Taylor Swift knows her style and she pulled it off. Great performance, I loved your head bopping, anonymous lookalike dancers. P.s don't forget the fact that she took home 8 awards. I bet she has like about 13 shelves full of awards right now, don't you T?
Miguel... a sexy guy of course but do you really have to show it by jumping on a fan's head? That was probably the most unexpected thing that could have possibly happened during the night. He's new to the music screen and he's already making sweet music and his voice is just to die for. So I'm sure that girl didn't take it personally, honest? I'd be proud that he fell on me.
What made him more of a gentleman is that he tweeted the girl when he got home. How adorable! Now that's a true artist who cares about his fans but next time Miguel at least have wires to pretend jump. I don't want you getting sued for breaking someone's neck. You're an artist, not a free jumper! Keep your feet on the ground and continue with your incredible music. Ok?
Don't forget Nicki Minaj's special dance for Lil Wayne ;) Justin Bieber's alien space performance, Ed Sheeran's Lego House, Macklemore's first billboard Thrift Shop audience, Will.I.AM and his #willpower. These were some of the performances, but there were lots of others.
OMG, how can I forget about Bruno Mars' performance I love that guy! His band is like epically epic! I have no words to describe him because he always put in 100% and his music is just so musical. His style was very planned. They all matched, how cute! Awesome jamming Bruno!
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